Welcome To Parent's Morning Out

Ages: 9 months-2 years 5 months as of August 31st 2025. (Please calculate your child's exact age years and months based on August 31st, 2025.) 

Hours: 8:45 am-11:45 am, with noon being the latest pickup. 

Ratio: 4:1

Price: $25.00 a day

Days: Students may come up to three set days a week. For example, if you choose for Susie to come only two days, Tuesday and Friday, then Susie would come to PMO every Tuesday and Friday. 

Absence: Students may be called out by 8:00 am, and you will not be charged for the day. 

Additional Days: If you want your child to attend more than their regular set days, you can be added to our "Call In" list. We will call and offer you an additional day if space is available. 

About Our Day

We are so excited each year to have old friends return and meet new ones. In our classroom, we thrive on routine! Every day, we greet Mrs. Schnitzler at the door for check-in, and once inside, we wash our hands. We have morning free play while each child takes a turn at the art table for arts and crafts. In our room, we encourage the little ones to create their craft with just a little assistance from us.

Soon, we gather for circle time while we sing our favorite PMO tunes! Wheels on the Bus, We Are the Dinosaurs, and If You Are Happy and You Know It are some of our favorites. We introduce the Pledge of Allegiance and recite it together. Next, it is playground time! We love getting fresh air daily and playing and exploring on our little playground. After our time outside, it is one of our favorite times of the day...SNACK! Before snack, we quickly wash our hands and gather at the table. We talk about the day, do our favorite snack time songs and motions, and say our prayers. While munching on our snack, we listen to stories from our teacher. We love Pete the Cat in our room! After snack, we have music with the preschool Music Teacher. After music, we get more free play in all the different centers in the room. Centers are where we learn to socialize, share, and take turns. At the end of the day, we have interactive Circle Time, with songs and felt board stories. Before we know it, it is time to go home, and we can't wait to return to do it all again.